Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday Aug 6

Up early. Denny had made an appointment to get a new back tire for the Harley in Algona today. We were thinking of taking in up last night and going to get it tonight driving the pickup and trailer both ways. 2 - 6 hour trips. Last night I told Denny if he thought I could drive the pick up and trailer I could take up the motorcycle on Friday morning and wait for it to get done. So that's what we did. I left about 5:30 and got home about 2:30. The tire is changed and I got to see a lot of Algona. I visited every store, had iced tea outside of a chocolate shop, saw a couple from IG in Algona checking out the chocolate shop, went through a neat wood store, got groceries at Fareway, and bought a pair of brown sandals with heels that were on sale. Once home, guess what I continued to spray out the B&G, working down between rows A&B from 2:30 -6:30. When Denny got home about 6:30 we chilled out by the fire pit. Mark joined us sitting around the fire til almost dark. Then we drug ourselves to bed. This evening Haley was playing with cousins in the back yard on the monkey bars and fell off. Perhaps a broken elbow. Got to love those sweet active Grands!!

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