I fed at the unit early and sprayed down the gilt hall way. It was kind of a mess up there. Coffee with Denny out on the deck. I picked a basket of flowers before we headed to prayer time at 8:30. When church was over we went to IG to get soap and light bulbs for the unit. After a sandwich Denny headed to the unit, I worked on applications and interview questions on the computer. I went to the unit to look over litters and feed the second time. Denny had done an awesome job "Pinesole"ing and cleaning. I went late to prayer service at church. Then I went to visit with Kim S. About 8 pm a bad storm passed through the area. Thankfully, I made it home okay. This weekend Missy spent time with HS friends in Des Moines. It is great to have friends. She paraphrased from a book called the Girls of Ames. "These days when the IG (Ames) girls spend time with women that they didn't meet until adulthood. They can act sophisticated, mature, and worldly. They can't do that as easily with each other, of course, because in the back of their minds they have a full log of all the goofy things they said and did when they were young."
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