Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday August 22

Up at 5:15 - Devotions - Ran 2 miles - Stopped to feed sow- Prayer time before church. After church we took 4 Stangls to Subway then home. Denny went to Bomgaars for plug in breaker outlets. In the afternoon we worked on the basement. We went to church prayer time at 6. After we got home we talked to Missy and Phillip. He has taken a part time job with UPS in Denison, working an early morning shift (maybe working 3-9 am). He told the congregation after the service. UPS wanted him to start this Monday, but to give a 2 week notice, he will be starting on September 7th after Labor day. It has been a dream of theirs to do sustainable farming. What better place than rural Iowa? We are moving to an apartment, (in our basement) and they will be living in our home's upstairs. :) We slept downstairs last night. Lots to look forward to.

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