Up early to feed. I sprayed for about 3 hours before coming home. Denny and I went to the folks for coffee. Then home and BOY, DID WE EVER GET A LOT DONE!! I sprayed out the floor of the bunk house, took paint cans to the unit to dry out, brought up dresser and rugs to bunk house from the machine shed, brought up folding table and chairs to use for home school picnic here next week. Denny cleaned out the garage and sprayed it out. He moved out the refrig that was not working. AND found out why the freezer hadn't been keeping food frozen. (The sensor had gotten turned to off .) After a quick sandwich we headed up to the unit. I finished spraying out the B&G with the high pressure sprayer. That is 512 crates, 32 pens, and 5 long alley ways, plus I had sprayed off every rung of every gate work, in every crate, and in every pen. UFFTA! Time for the guys to go over everything I had done and do it better. My tooth was starting to bother me so I called the pharmacy and got another prescription. Then home to get ready for Mark and Laura coming here for their anniversary. We grilled Omaha steaks that the folks had given us, plus Howard gave us a frozen rhubarb pie that he a gotten at Mondamin. I baked the pie in the basement oven in the morning while we were cleaning so the up stairs wouldn't get so hot. Denny wanted to make fried green tomatoes and I fried up some zucchini and made a lettuce salad, plus stuffed potatoes. After eating we sat around the fire pit. Nice night. Nice couple. Should do it more often.
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