Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last great day of 2015

Dishwasher not working ... UFFTA!! It will be on my list to clean it out and Denny's list (when he gets off work) to see if he can find the problem. Life. I worked around the house. Missy came over to make some photo copies to frame. The printer still does not print glossy prints. I made one cover for the deck chairs. Three to go. Denny came home from work about 2, and had a bite to eat, Then he went out to move snow, but the fuel had gelled up on the Bobcat. We went to Harlan to watch the movie Joy at the 4 pm matinee. On the way home we stopped at Jensens, Denny looked at the new kids' rooms and played Catan. Home before midnight to fall asleep watching a movie. Lord, guide us during this new year. Car mileage: 2015 Prius- , 2004 pickup- , 2006 Jeep- , Harley Davis-

Denny gave me Great Granny's ring for Christmas.  When we took it to the jeweler in Cherokee, they thought it looked great.  It the last picture you can see Great Granny was wearing it.  So cool!!!


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Off to Cherokee

I scurried around in the am and look out about 10 loads of trash for the once a month garbage truck to pick up.  Denny headed to work and I headed to Cherokee, I had thought I would take back roads, but too snow and ice covered.  Got to Cherokee and had coffee with Mandy.   We took down some Christmas decorations.  When I showed her the pictures from yesterdays shopping trip with Anabel she laughed because I was wearing the same outfit.   I told her this was about the 4th day.  It was comfortable, not stained,  and I was with different people each day.  At a thrift store we each fgot a 16 piece nativity set.  We met Jason for lunch at Gast House I took a walk thru tour of remodeled office.   Then to the jewelry store.  Great granny's ring is in great shape. (It has just been in a lock box for the last 30+ years)  Mandy's ring was beat up.  (2 years old and worn 24/7.  Jason had it designed for "someone who will be tough on it"; the jewelry ladies thought he made the right call.  They also said "Take care of the diamonds, they are very nice.")  My ring had 2 of the 4 prongs that hold the diamond worn off.  (It is 42 years old and been worn 24/7 the last 6 years)  Denny said "Do it" and so my ring is getting repaired and I am wearing Great Granny's until then.  Mandy is checking with Jason and their jeweler in Denver to see where it can be fixed.  We walked to about every store in Cherokee.    Very fun.  Home about 4 to finish supper for Nakas.  Luke's pork roast, party potatoes, cheesey corn macaroni, ramen noodle salad and Denny's second chocolate silk pie.  Luann is inspired to start a blog.  So good to sit and visit.  Luke and Karen are on their way to Galena.  They got their print hung up abour their bed.  Really looks nice.  

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

To Carroll

Oh, did we do shopping!!!! I went over and helped Missy go through the toys that Sebbie dumped out about a week ago.. I kept telling the kids that I could clean the toys up quickly by just putting them all in a trash bag.  Anabel and I made sandwiches and headed to Carroll with a list: purple accessories for her room. boots, shoes, fun!!    We did get lots.  Our early birthday present to Anabel is the bed set with dust ruffle, sheets and comforter.  We found a purple rug, she got 2 pairs of shoes/boots and  purple picture frame that she loves.  We ate at McD, went to lots of stores, and had lots of fun looking.  At home I started a recipe with potato sausage  Denny mixed up Italian seasoning to finish the dish while we visited.  Jensen's had dental appointments this afternoon.

Monday, December 28, 2015

A storm is coming ....

Up and devotions, then I went back to bed and slept until 7:10.  It started to snow about 9.  I got all the beds remade and straightened the closet in the hallway by Luke's room. I finished reading a Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.  Then finished watching the movie Unbranded about 4 guys that ride mustangs from the Mexican to Canadian border.  I wrote thank you notes.  Watched HGTV.  Mainly chilled at home.  One day this break Missy and I were in the living room and I said,"  That cardianl sure is getting fat."   She laughed and said,"I wonder if he is thinking the same thing,  Those humans sure are getting fat. "  :)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Home and it feels right

Up for devotions, then to putszing and working with pictures. I am glad I am not in Omaha staying overnight before flying out tomorrow for Brownsville. It feels fight to be home. I was messing on the computer with pictures and was late going to SS. Two precious little girls in class. We talked about Receive, Believe and become Children of God. John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- An encouraging sermon... visitors with a duet in church. We watched the movie:The Coat of Many Colors about Dolly Pardon on the Christmas gift from Luke. Then naps. Denny went into the bank to work. I met him at prayer time at 6. At home we finished watching a HGTV show and went to bed.
YET ... I will miss being with my siblings that are in Texas.  It would have been fun!!!  So much fun ....

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Saying Thanks .... Good bye and heading to Texas OR NOT

Thank you Lord for the great time with our family. I got up to make sausage and biscuits, cut pineapple, and wash grapes. We played dominoes and the Jensens new game. Everyone packed up and left about 11. Luke and Denny went to IG to get an adapter for the apple TV gift. Luke stayed and got it set up. I left for the airport about 1:15. Highway 59 was slushy, but interstate was dry. While I waited I watched the Movie WWJD II The Woodcarver.. I got an email that said the flight from Chicago would be late and I wouldn't make my connection to Brownsville. Decisions... They transferred my flight to the next day at 10 getting to Brownsville at 4 pm. UFFTA!! I decided to say no thank you and cancel my whole trip. It was a lot of money just for me to go for 6 days. I got back in the car and drove home. I was home about 9. I ate salsa and chips at home with Denny instead of on the deck at Four Seasons with the siblings. We finished watching the movie on Apple TV.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Celebrate Jesus is born!!!!!

Slept until 7, but went to bed after midnight. Thank you Jesus for a wonderful family and wonderful day. Jensens came over and G'pa and Torren read from the Bible. We opened presents, got coffee, opened presents, ate brunch, opened more presents, Grands got stocking slippers, and gloves in their stockings. Haley got Anabel a big soft wonderful pillow.  . Haley and Torren got BB guns. Karen liked her print. Anabel has perfected using Kane's pogo stick Many laughs when kids gave me the date for a weekend at the farm. June 24-26. They reworded "All we want for Christmas is you ... and a weekend at the farm". Becky, Matt, Jason, and Mandy were in charge of Brunch. Haley said that "Heavy is in there for a reason" when she referred to the recipe for the French toast using heavy whipping cream. Naps for everyone. Some watched the Christmas Story.  Don't shoot your eye out!  Grands made an ornament each. Evan went home, not feeling the best. Mandy and Jason gave rides with four wheeler and sleds. Luke, Karen, Jason, and Mandy fixed pork, green beans, coleslaw for supper. Missy had the stuff for gingerbread houses. I went to print my boarding pass only to find out I had not seen an email about canceling my reservation. UFFTA!! Made another reservation. Thanks, Matt. Double uffta! It was not as late of a night as last night. Dad still has a cold. He has been battling it for a week, I think.



Thursday, December 24, 2015

Everyone home

Great day. Torren was not feeling the best during the night, but chippered up and joined family activities by noon. On the way to Jensens for lunch there was a beautiful big flake snow falling. Lord, I thank you for all the blessings that you give me. How can I praise you with my life. In the morning Haley and I made two batches of cream wafers. We made playdough. One batch had orange jello. It turned out kind of sticky. The new bedrooms at Jensens' looked great. And what a clean house. We went over about 11:30 and Cooks came about 12:30. The roads were snow and ice covered by Aurillea. In the afternoon, some took naps, Phillip pulled the kids with the four wheeler, Denny got home about 4. We went to the Christmas eve service at 6. Luke and Karen got home about 7. Denny's soup in the coop was great! Chicken Gnokke. The potato sausage came with a disclaimer that it should be eaten with "tight moderation". Lots of fat and sodium. I made Swiss onion, French bread. Kids played Apples to Apples. The auction was crazy. Two wooden boxes went the highest. 2K. We each had $1444 of monopoly money to spend. Lord, be with our family as they live their lives. We stayed up way too late.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Enjoying today

Denny headed to work and I went to get some groceries. I made eggnog, sauted veggies for Denny's soup, made ramen noodle salad, watched the rest of Bounce (that I fell asleep during), called Yoli to discontinue, drove to Arthur to take SS lesson to Mary, tried to mail package, but the post office was closed, stopped at Jensen's to see bedroom progress, washed dishes, took the kids back home with me so Jensens could head to Mapleton to get a new mattress and box springs. Missouri Johnsons came, :) Just makes me happy, Matt and Becky headed to Denison for anniversary supper and to get groceries. The kids had cavatinni here and played Starwars yahtzie, and dominoes. Jensens got the kid's bedrooms done about 11 and came to take their sleeping kids home. We watched Unbranded for a while, then I went to bed. Lord, guide the Christmas break. We got a text that said,"Torren threw up about 11:30". Grant everyone wisdom and safety and health as we go about our Christmas plans. Thank you Lord, that you know the future. So nice to have kids home.    I took a picutre of cats by the front door.    I miss Howard and Anabel and the cats that she had and the lives that they lived.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Start of break. ;)

Eight wild turkeys in the yard. Student council served breakfast at school. Then we were in for a "Christmas sweater" day. I met one student at the office before school and he went there 4th hour. It was a gift. Ind. Living fixed the pizza they had made yesterday. Very cool big jar from Donna. Lots of good stuff in it. During success 3 HS guys played and sang in the cafeteria. It was very good. I was watching a SPA test student, then supervising a student looking up fakebook. After school I headed to Mapleton. Too late for 2 stores, but I did get some napkins and asked about mattress and box springs for Missy. Nice visit with family. Denny worked until 8-9. I got all the stocking stuff together and wrapped a couple of gifts. We watched a movie before falling asleep.

Monday, December 21, 2015

With Mandy to SL

Fried the sausage and loaded the dishwasher with red plates. Another day at school. Ind Living made individual pizza. One student worked on makeup work because the flu took him ouot of school for 4 days last week. After school, I drove to Storm Lake and met Mandy at SOS, then to get our nails done, and Goodwill. So nice to be with her just looking around and enjoying the time together. She is looking forward to Laura coming the weekend of her birthday. Denny grilled pork steaks with T. rub for supper. I printed up some more Christmas letters. ************************************************************************************************************************* Merry Christmas 2015 We hope this year finds you enjoying all the things that God has given you. We have no big news to share. No weddings, no new grandkids or grand trips to Europe. Instead we have been content in the small simple things of life. We have chopped wood and put it in piles for later use. There have been some beautiful sky-blue-pink sunrises and sunsets. We have weeded vegetables and picked flowers. The grand kids have made us smile. We sat and watched the red moon. The grill has been full with jalapeno poppers and pork steaks for family and friends. We have gone to prayer meetings at church and been encouraged. The clothes and vehicles have been washed. We have camped with our family on a night when one grandson said, “I didn’t know that you could sweat in your sleep.” We visited our kids and shared in their activities. There were a couple of motorcycle rides. We have faithfully gone to our jobs and done our best. The snow falling on our back yard has made some beautiful sights during the days or nights. We have enjoyed sitting on the deck and looking at the flowers and CSA vegetables on cool morning coffees or warm supper evenings. Sheds in our back yard have gotten new doors. The cardinal that flies into the living room window, then goes to the sunroom and flies into the window has amazed us. We did sell the unit to a neighbor who took it down and is putting up a bigger unit. Denny had a partial knee replacement in March. In August, we went to Brownsville to stay in our trailer for 9 days. We walked the beach, grilled, and enjoyed the pool. The Newhouse December family get together in Dubuque was so great with 66 descendants of Maynard and Bernice Newhouse there. (Only 7 were missing.) How neat is that!! I love to see all the families. As you can see, the uncomplicated times with family and friends have been a source of joy. The beauty of nature has filled out hearts with awe. The promises of the Bible have kept us living each day. The simple times of Denny and I being together has brought security, laughter, and peace into our lives. Thanks be to God for His gifts. Celebrate Christ this Christmas! God’s love amazes us. Faith and Denny Johnson 2981 Orchard Ave. Ida Grove, Iowa 51445 johnson.dennisfaith@ 712-675-4710 712-269-2772 712-269-3024 Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Amazing love…

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Walmart run

Donuts with Grands at 8:30. Nice SS class of 5 second graders. Headed to Storm Lake after church.
We ate at Arbies and then headed to Walmart.  There is always lots we could buy.  We got home before 4 and both of us laid down for a rest.  Denny has been battling a cold.  I headed into town to carol at Golden Horizons, Morningside, Ken S. and the hospital.  Then to church for soup.  It was very good.  I imagine about 15 went in Odebolt and 17 in Ida Grove.  Afterwards at the church a Julie came looking for Schrams.  She was with a boyfriend, Todd.  They were walking, I gave them coffee, cookies and later took a bowl of soup to them.  I came home to Denny trying to get healthy in bed, and I made the Swiss onion French bread and put it in the freezer.


Saturday, December 19, 2015

I think I need to make a list of what needs to be done

Slept 11-5 devotions 5-6, then slept 6-8, That's a lot for me.  We got a slow start, but Denny just kept cleaning all day.  The water in the basement has really made extra work.  Denny vacuumed all the carpet.  The fans and Dehumidifiers have helped dry up the carpet. I cleaned the bathrooms.  I started printing the Christmas letter.  The glossy side does not feed through the printer.  UFFTA!!  Denny grilled the chicken for the soup on Christmas Eve.  Missy is having Solarz over for supper and visiting in the coop.  Nakasaw joined them.  Mixup with Red hot cinnamon spider.  Spice Cider.  After supper  I started wrapping presents.  And got them almost all done, I think.  Tomorrow anniversaries for Matt and Becky, Rose and Reese, and Jean and Paul

7 Katy Kelton's
2 Chet hofmanns
3 +4 extras Christy Marshall

5 Marty hofmanns
2 Amybeth hancock
4 McKenzie Peta's
2 Peter hofmanns
25 total plus 4 extras

Friday, December 18, 2015

Smiley Friday The days for the semester are counting down!!!!

I am taking 2 TAG baskets with gift cards to school today for the TAG soup supper before the BB game. I stopped at Rentals and ordered flowers for a staff's birthday. Mr. Miller and Mary had bagged up gifts for high school staff and drew munbers out of a bag and then you would go pick your gift bag. Everyone got 2. It was so nice of him to do that. 3 staff gone from the room today. 1 student still out with the flu. Ind Living watched part of Rom Clark movie, and baked 3 dozen cookies. At 3 I went to help Missy with the TAG soup supper. 2.8 K There was a great turnout for the game, while we played Holstein. Over 200 people ate soup. Denny came after work. I mailed a picture and a couple videos to Beth. I bought a pail of soup for Thursday night. We went to Jensens to count money. Good night for the TAG.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Trip to the store.

Denny has bank meetings and so he is up and getting ready to go. I plan to get a few groceries before school, if I get rolling. I made a trip to the store. Hence the title. 2 students sick today. That makes for a long day. In English classes signed a document about the meeting. The day seemed to go better with the student. YEA!!! I went to Dose during my planning for the 1/2 price sale. I got the casino robe that I had looked at and a pair of glitzy gray shoes. Came back to a study hall. Uffta! I stopped and watched the bowling meet after school. Fun to see. Nice visit with a mom about ineligible students because of grades. It is hard to understand how the teachers can be blamed when the students don't apply themselves for the class. I headed home, Denny went to town to get carpet freshener. The water in the basement has left a mildewy odor. He also got ingredients for his chicken genome soup for Christmas eve night. Denny is also fighting a cold. We visited with orange juice and chewing cold tablets. Our meal was great of leftovers from Ind. Living that the students didn't want. We went to bed early.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Awana Store night

The day turned out pretty good. I went to the drug store to get the antibiotic prescription that Dr. Hunt sent to Ida Drug. Hope that takes care of my discomfort. There were 3 students that were absent today. Ind. Living fixed chicken enchiladas for tomorrow. One was not feeling well and so just helped from a far. My video confessions went okay. Glad to have it done. It is hard to see yourself on camera. I got a haircut at 4:30. The kids were wired for Awana tonight. There was so much excitement. When the night was over, most of the store items were gone. Pat had such a nice party for the clubbers. She gave them cloth bags to decorate with fabric magic markers, and candy canes, and lotion or lip gloss, and cookies and little cupcakes. The girls were so happy. I may make it through this semester. Mandy and Nurse Practitioner that she worked with.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

More rain.., tonight

When I left the basketball game tonight, it was still raining. Lots of rain, Kind of icey rain. I stayed after school and had a meeting. Then went and looked at FFA silent auction items. Lots of stuff for sale. Independent living cut up broccoli for salad, made dressing, and mixed up party potatoes. Packet work for one student. An English student went home early, sick. During the BB game I wrote up notes from my meeting on my laptop. The girls lost, the boys were winning when I left. I need prayer for PD tomorrow when I show a camera clip and ask for input on discipline. Pictures of Craig's family at Dubuque:

Monday, December 14, 2015

Uffta. Water in the basement

WOW, it has been raining all night. It would have been a huge amount of snow!! One English student was sick. Independent living mixed up some cookies. I baked 4 for a taste test of the dough that was mixed up on Friday. Office packet work for a student. After school, we had a staff meeting. I went to church about 5 and started to set up the store for Awana. Mandy was in Storm Lake and I couldn't go join her. The plan wss to set up the Awana store at 6:30 tonight. When Denny, Joyce and the kids went to IG to purchase more for the store, I went to the concert. I thought it was very good. I contacted a mother and daughter and set up a meeting tomorrow at 5 pm. Another family may be visiting family in Texas during Christmas break. Andy still in Omaha, waiting the results of the last series of tests. Many prayer requests. Lord, you know their needs. Show me how I can be your feet and hands and help those that are struggling. After we were in bed Denny got up and went down to check the basement. Oh, ya, there is water there. Carpets are wet. UFFTA!! Lots of rain. Anabel made a book store sign and Aunt Nancy visiting with Brooks.

Sunday December 13 Christmas program at church

Needed to get up a little earlier because the kids have practice at 9. They did great with the program during the church service. A great meal provided by the church: pork loin, mashed potatoes, green beans. gravy. The annual business meeting was next. We went to IG to get pop and candy for Awana store. I went to Porters Christmas open house. Next to Stephanie and Omars. At home I worked on reducing pictures on the 2015 blog. I think I have gone thru it okay so far.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saturday December 12 Working thru the blog

Let's see, it is Wednesday night ... And I don't really remember what I did Saturday. I think I started on looking at pictures from January and putting only 2-3 pictures on a blog day. Denny worked at Odebolt. About 10 Missy called from Elgin and asked if I would make the baskets for the TAG raffle. I went to Rentals and got Styrofoam in the bottom of the baskets, Then to Dose to get some purple metallic tissue paper. Then to Selections to get some red metallic tissue paper. At home, I started to put it together. It took a lot of poking of the wooden skewers into the Styrofoam, but I think it turned out pretty well. I had Missy stop on her way home and she was happy that the baskets were completed. Phillip had taken the boys to Ames. We have had Keelie in our garage a couple of nights the past week. I sure like to have a dog around, but I really don't care for the smelly poop that she deposits behind my Jeep tire. At night Denny grilled pork steaks and we had salad. I think we put on a movie, but I fell asleep. Pictures of TAG kids working on that Friday night and the baskets I made.