Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Start of break. ;)

Eight wild turkeys in the yard. Student council served breakfast at school. Then we were in for a "Christmas sweater" day. I met one student at the office before school and he went there 4th hour. It was a gift. Ind. Living fixed the pizza they had made yesterday. Very cool big jar from Donna. Lots of good stuff in it. During success 3 HS guys played and sang in the cafeteria. It was very good. I was watching a SPA test student, then supervising a student looking up fakebook. After school I headed to Mapleton. Too late for 2 stores, but I did get some napkins and asked about mattress and box springs for Missy. Nice visit with family. Denny worked until 8-9. I got all the stocking stuff together and wrapped a couple of gifts. We watched a movie before falling asleep.

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