Tuesday, December 29, 2015

To Carroll

Oh, did we do shopping!!!! I went over and helped Missy go through the toys that Sebbie dumped out about a week ago.. I kept telling the kids that I could clean the toys up quickly by just putting them all in a trash bag.  Anabel and I made sandwiches and headed to Carroll with a list: purple accessories for her room. boots, shoes, fun!!    We did get lots.  Our early birthday present to Anabel is the bed set with dust ruffle, sheets and comforter.  We found a purple rug, she got 2 pairs of shoes/boots and  purple picture frame that she loves.  We ate at McD, went to lots of stores, and had lots of fun looking.  At home I started a recipe with potato sausage  Denny mixed up Italian seasoning to finish the dish while we visited.  Jensen's had dental appointments this afternoon.

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