Wednesday, December 9, 2015

PD early out

Denny left for work before I did. That is a first. Slow moving student. Lord, grant me wisdom. Parent came in and walked laps after school. Mr. Miller helped with a assignment after a substitute was there. Dave Ramsey did not go over well. I went to Wall Lake for a haircut ... nope, it is next week. So I came home and put cream cheese on the bagels and made a taco salad. Then to town. I visited with a student ... waiting for the Awana van. I guess X and I are just not used to having super nice teachers. Then to the bowling alley, just said I enjoyed student. Lord, guide me. Nice bunch at Awana again. Visited with Sam, who used to come to Awana when she was a child. That's cool. Picture is from Dubuque Weekend. Family in rented room eating pizza.

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