Monday, December 21, 2015

With Mandy to SL

Fried the sausage and loaded the dishwasher with red plates. Another day at school. Ind Living made individual pizza. One student worked on makeup work because the flu took him ouot of school for 4 days last week. After school, I drove to Storm Lake and met Mandy at SOS, then to get our nails done, and Goodwill. So nice to be with her just looking around and enjoying the time together. She is looking forward to Laura coming the weekend of her birthday. Denny grilled pork steaks with T. rub for supper. I printed up some more Christmas letters. ************************************************************************************************************************* Merry Christmas 2015 We hope this year finds you enjoying all the things that God has given you. We have no big news to share. No weddings, no new grandkids or grand trips to Europe. Instead we have been content in the small simple things of life. We have chopped wood and put it in piles for later use. There have been some beautiful sky-blue-pink sunrises and sunsets. We have weeded vegetables and picked flowers. The grand kids have made us smile. We sat and watched the red moon. The grill has been full with jalapeno poppers and pork steaks for family and friends. We have gone to prayer meetings at church and been encouraged. The clothes and vehicles have been washed. We have camped with our family on a night when one grandson said, “I didn’t know that you could sweat in your sleep.” We visited our kids and shared in their activities. There were a couple of motorcycle rides. We have faithfully gone to our jobs and done our best. The snow falling on our back yard has made some beautiful sights during the days or nights. We have enjoyed sitting on the deck and looking at the flowers and CSA vegetables on cool morning coffees or warm supper evenings. Sheds in our back yard have gotten new doors. The cardinal that flies into the living room window, then goes to the sunroom and flies into the window has amazed us. We did sell the unit to a neighbor who took it down and is putting up a bigger unit. Denny had a partial knee replacement in March. In August, we went to Brownsville to stay in our trailer for 9 days. We walked the beach, grilled, and enjoyed the pool. The Newhouse December family get together in Dubuque was so great with 66 descendants of Maynard and Bernice Newhouse there. (Only 7 were missing.) How neat is that!! I love to see all the families. As you can see, the uncomplicated times with family and friends have been a source of joy. The beauty of nature has filled out hearts with awe. The promises of the Bible have kept us living each day. The simple times of Denny and I being together has brought security, laughter, and peace into our lives. Thanks be to God for His gifts. Celebrate Christ this Christmas! God’s love amazes us. Faith and Denny Johnson 2981 Orchard Ave. Ida Grove, Iowa 51445 johnson.dennisfaith@ 712-675-4710 712-269-2772 712-269-3024 Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Amazing love…

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