Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Awana Store night

The day turned out pretty good. I went to the drug store to get the antibiotic prescription that Dr. Hunt sent to Ida Drug. Hope that takes care of my discomfort. There were 3 students that were absent today. Ind. Living fixed chicken enchiladas for tomorrow. One was not feeling well and so just helped from a far. My video confessions went okay. Glad to have it done. It is hard to see yourself on camera. I got a haircut at 4:30. The kids were wired for Awana tonight. There was so much excitement. When the night was over, most of the store items were gone. Pat had such a nice party for the clubbers. She gave them cloth bags to decorate with fabric magic markers, and candy canes, and lotion or lip gloss, and cookies and little cupcakes. The girls were so happy. I may make it through this semester. Mandy and Nurse Practitioner that she worked with.

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