Sunday, December 27, 2015

Home and it feels right

Up for devotions, then to putszing and working with pictures. I am glad I am not in Omaha staying overnight before flying out tomorrow for Brownsville. It feels fight to be home. I was messing on the computer with pictures and was late going to SS. Two precious little girls in class. We talked about Receive, Believe and become Children of God. John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- An encouraging sermon... visitors with a duet in church. We watched the movie:The Coat of Many Colors about Dolly Pardon on the Christmas gift from Luke. Then naps. Denny went into the bank to work. I met him at prayer time at 6. At home we finished watching a HGTV show and went to bed.
YET ... I will miss being with my siblings that are in Texas.  It would have been fun!!!  So much fun ....

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