Saturday, December 19, 2015

I think I need to make a list of what needs to be done

Slept 11-5 devotions 5-6, then slept 6-8, That's a lot for me.  We got a slow start, but Denny just kept cleaning all day.  The water in the basement has really made extra work.  Denny vacuumed all the carpet.  The fans and Dehumidifiers have helped dry up the carpet. I cleaned the bathrooms.  I started printing the Christmas letter.  The glossy side does not feed through the printer.  UFFTA!!  Denny grilled the chicken for the soup on Christmas Eve.  Missy is having Solarz over for supper and visiting in the coop.  Nakasaw joined them.  Mixup with Red hot cinnamon spider.  Spice Cider.  After supper  I started wrapping presents.  And got them almost all done, I think.  Tomorrow anniversaries for Matt and Becky, Rose and Reese, and Jean and Paul

7 Katy Kelton's
2 Chet hofmanns
3 +4 extras Christy Marshall

5 Marty hofmanns
2 Amybeth hancock
4 McKenzie Peta's
2 Peter hofmanns
25 total plus 4 extras

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