Monday, January 1, 2018

Sunday Dec. 31, 2017 Happy New Year's eve!!!

Nice slow am.  We had our first coffee on the deck, sitting on our new furniture.  We drove to BCF church at 9:30, but couldn't find the building, so we went to Christ Church of the Valley.  After church we put the grill together.  It was more of a job than we had anticipated, but it was good to work together.  Denny had both speakers going with Hispanic music as we worked.  Denny fixed Nan's bike and grilled burgers.  Jan and Dave H. got in to the park and came for supper, too.  It has been so nice to sit and visit with family. At 8 we went to the community room for a dance that lasted until midnight.  Randy, Julie and Don played.  Randy had us all stand on our left foot as we watched/said the countdown for the new year.  That way when we put the raised foot down we would step into the new year 2018 on the right foot.  Thank you, Jesus for the year you have given us.  Please guide us in 2018 and may each day be spent in the center of your will.     

Grill put together

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