Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Happy Birthday, Mandy

We sure love our baby girl, Miranda!!!  Hope your day was wonderful!  It was great to Facetime with you and Jason.  You bring laughter into our lives.  And Jack is amazing!!!

I had my devotions and then went back to bed until 8.  At 9 I went down to play pool, 10 ladies were there.  Denny started spraying the trailer.  He got the ceiling of the car port and the roof overhand,  Nan fixed a lunch of leftovers.  It was beautiful out on the deck while we ate.   Denny said it might be a double "worth it" day. I transplanted Nan's 2 and my lisianthus.  Hopefully they will grow.  I read a book in the sun at Gail's.  Nancy has ordered some furniture for her bedroom.  Jean and Jane stopped over for a while.  I read at night and then we went to the luke-warm tub.  A quick stop at J&J's before calling Mandy and going to bed.

Sprayed the trailer
Started to spray the dock
Got the coffee pot for grill

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