Sunday, January 7, 2018

Beautiful am Breakfast on the deck

Well, my muscles hurt a little from stretching in yoga yesterday, but it is a good hurt.  Gloria and John came down for breakfast before church, Denny fixed food on the grill: fried bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast, coffee and I squeezed grapefruit juice.  After church we went to 77 Flea market.  Denny used the time to take many steps.  6,000 in fact. We bought ingredients for pico and guac. Tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, jicama, and avocados.  The pico and guac we made tasted great on jicama slices on the deck with the sisters.  I took a short nap.  At 6-7 we face timed with Jack during his feeding and bath, with Rose, et all at a restaurant at bed time, and Jensens as they drove home from Creston.  We went to Jan and Dave's for cake and ice cream.  Another great day in the Valley.  Denny is thinking that there are so many games to play he doesn't have time to get his project done.

Now it is hard because there are too many games and things to do, No time to do projects!!

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