Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bike Ride

We got a cute pic this am showing Anabel's Christmas shoes.  We went to the bike trail.  Dennybiked 22 miles I went 14.   Bruce and Denny went from the trailer park to the battle ground trail.  Jane and I put our bikes in our cars and met them at the aqua center.  We biked north with Denny toward the battlefield.  Nancy went to play bridge.  I played pickleball, then pool.  Denny and I washed windows.  We fixed mango, avacado, shrimp salad and garlic rice.  I went up to play ponytail.  It is REALLY windy.  Denny cleaned the trailer while we were playing games.

Bike 22 miles
Wash windows in the trailer
Put up the new shade in the big bedroom.

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