Sunday, January 28, 2018

Ribeye steaks

Nancy left for church at 7:30.  We picked up VK's and tried to find a place to eat breakfast.   The place we planned on was closed, the Denny's we went to was "opening soon".  We ended up at ihop and getting to church 30 minutes late, just in time for the sermon.  Going in that late, the door was locked, but some one came and let us in.  Sign of the times.  Knock and the door will be opened.  The pastor made mention of our arrival and asked everyone to move in to make room for us.  :) After church I read in the sun behind Gail's,  Denny worked on search committee stuff.  At 2:30 Lisa, Gail, Faye and Jane played pickleball.  At 5 VK's came over, we played joker with Nancy while Denny finished his conference call.  GREAT steaks from VK, grilled by Denny with temp probe.  Plus rice, salad, garlic bread, guacamole and we ate all of it out on the deck.  At 7 Trivia.  Denny's team won.  Another great day in the Valley.  Pictures of patonque ball playing.

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