Thursday, January 18, 2018

Memorial for Anabel Johnson

I miss Anabel Johnson very much.  She loved her Grands and great Grands.  She was so kind and loving, so helpful, and so willing to take the time for each person.  Look at that love in her eyes.  
I slept almost until 7.  Nice slow am.  At 10 Gail took us to D&D where I bought some acrylic paints.  At the thrift store I bought a pink fleece.  Yes, it is so cold here that I really wanted something warm.  Nancy went to bridge.  At 12:30 Dave and Jan took Jane and I to square dance at Winter Haven.  When we came back Denny joined us to listen to a park Jam session.  Wayne and Kay showed us some dance steps.  Nancy had lasagne in the freezer that she baked for J&J and D&F.  Ii played ponytail at 7.  Wonderful day and evening.  Weather ... not so wonderful.

Washed and waxed bicycle

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