Tuesday, January 30, 2018

2 W day

I was in bed until 8 am.  So nice.  I went to pickle ball at 8:30.  Lisa was there, but Ken was not feeling the best.  I feel so bad that he has been not feeling well for most of the week.  Denny had fixed breakfast and we ate out on the deck.  Wonderful!!!  Lisa went home to pack. Denny fixed the fan in the bathroom.   I went to Port Isabel and got some shorts for Denny and a couple tops and pants and a dress for me  90 percent off.  Wonderful!!  We cleaned the trailer.  Ken and Lisa came to say goodbye.  At 7 we ate at Hendersons.  Lord, I pray for our nation as the state of the union address was tonight.  Finished reading Summer in the South by Cathy Holton around midnight.

fixed great breakfast outside
fixed bathroom fan
got 2 nice pairs of shorts
took 2 vacuums to trash

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