Tuesday, January 9, 2018


I got up too early.   Then went back to bed after devotions.  I went to play pickle ball from 8:30-9:30.  Then a quick shower and Gail, Bruce, Nancy, Denny and I went to Progresso.  We had a great time.  We walked around and then ate at the Red Snapper.  Denny's tamales were the best!!!  They do a great job of shining our shoes.  We were home for a while and then at 5, I went with Gail, Jan, Jean and Nancy to yoga downtown.  Plus 4 others from the park.  When we got home Denny had made supper for us.  Wonderful,  Grilled hamburgers, Garlic rice, and a wonderful salad.  Jean came over for a visit on the deck after supper and Nancy watched Wisconsin BB.  Luke, Karen and Rose are in Jamaica.

Trip to Mexico
Ordered coffee pot and Tordon

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