Thursday, January 25, 2018

Bike ride

Nice slow am.  The horseshoe contest was cancelled.  VK's came over and we decided to ride the bikes out to the battlefield.  We left before noon.  Jane, Ken, and I drove to the aqua center and met Lisa, and Denny who rode from the park.  We borrowed Gail and Bruce's bikes.   Nice informational talk and video history.  I rode 13 miles.  Lisa took an hour nap after she got home.  I chilled with Denny as he grilled the steak for sandwiches.  At 4, 7 of played pickleball until 5.  Quick great meal by Nancy of salad, mashed potatoes, and a great salad.  Denny went to a search committee conference call until 10 pm.  I went to the hot tub and then to play joker.

23-24 mile bike ride

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