Saturday, January 6, 2018

Really Saturday

Up bright and early!!!  I checked the facebook for Farmer's market and they had an 8 am free yoga class.  When Gail came over with her coffee I told her and she was interested and so we went.  It was fun/hurting.  About 25 gals were there with mats on the sidewalk in the park.  There were also 2-3 guys and moms who had 2-3 kids playing around.  When we got back to the park pickle ball was in full swing.  Denny and 8 others had gone down to play. Back home Denny researched bath tubs shower head hoses.   We went on a bike ride about 3.  GBJDF  I rode about 8 miles.  The others rode about 10 miles.  Nancy had drinks out on the deck for us when we got done.  Denny used his new toy to make jicama juelianne strips.  Brats/ salad for supper then we went to the show, Greatest Showman.  I enjoyed it.

Make a 10 mile bike ride
Research shower hoses 
Measure windows to buy curtains

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