Monday, January 15, 2018

Bike ride

I was up early and "putsted" around until pickle ball at 8:30.  About 10:30 Denny and I rode bikes.  I drove to the aqua center.  We rode the battlefield trail to historic Brownsville.  Then back to a central location where Denny took the trail north to the battle field and I headed home.  I rode 15 miles, he rode 35 miles.  Nice morning to go biking.  I drove to the half price store, then to Lopez grocery store for coffee, butter and eggs for Denny.  While I waited for supper I took out trash then played pool by myself.  Potluck was at 6 and I played ponytail canasta at 7.  Nice day in the Valley.   Cute wedding picture from 2012/

Lenora Leistikow died today.  She was my mom's best friend.  Carl and Lenora were my God parents at my baptism.  She was 104 years old and a wonderful example to me.  She will be missed.  This is a picture of me with Lenora's 2 daughters, Rachel and Linda, July 2017.

35 mile bike ride

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