Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Moon and pool lunch

At midnight I  finished baking the onion dill buns, cooling them, and putting them in zip lock bags.  We got up at 6:20 to see the moon eclipse.  Very neat am.   The resaca was still and beautiful.  I set the table,  and went down to play pool from 9-11.  Eight of us ladies were here for lunch.  Mary Kay, Marie, Jan, Joan, Wilma, Marilyn, Fay.  Good food, good conversation.  In the afternoon I finished my book and then Denny and I went on a bike ride, Me 12 miles, Denny 21 1/2 miles.  Nancy, Gail and Bruce went to a music festival at the island.  We ate leftovers at Gail's.  At night I watched HGTV, Denny registered for RAGBRAI.

Moon watch
Pool lunch
Bike ride 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

2 W day

I was in bed until 8 am.  So nice.  I went to pickle ball at 8:30.  Lisa was there, but Ken was not feeling the best.  I feel so bad that he has been not feeling well for most of the week.  Denny had fixed breakfast and we ate out on the deck.  Wonderful!!!  Lisa went home to pack. Denny fixed the fan in the bathroom.   I went to Port Isabel and got some shorts for Denny and a couple tops and pants and a dress for me  90 percent off.  Wonderful!!  We cleaned the trailer.  Ken and Lisa came to say goodbye.  At 7 we ate at Hendersons.  Lord, I pray for our nation as the state of the union address was tonight.  Finished reading Summer in the South by Cathy Holton around midnight.

fixed great breakfast outside
fixed bathroom fan
got 2 nice pairs of shorts
took 2 vacuums to trash

Monday, January 29, 2018

To Progresso

8:30 Pickleball.  It was fun to watch people play.  I am playing it cool, so my ankle will be ready to walk across the bridge to Progresso.   We stopped at Jackie and Rogers to see their wall of great grands.  Nice pictures.  I fixed some pb toast and toast with avacado to tide us over.   We got to Progresso about noon and walked down to eat at Red Snapper.  Lisa got her nails done, we shopped at a few stores and left for home about 4:30.  We got home just in time for potluck. After supper I played ponytail and Denny did search committee work.  VK's went out to eat.  At 1:30 I guess Ken was not sleeping because of his cold and so he went to get some Nyquill. 
Another great day in the valley

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Ribeye steaks

Nancy left for church at 7:30.  We picked up VK's and tried to find a place to eat breakfast.   The place we planned on was closed, the Denny's we went to was "opening soon".  We ended up at ihop and getting to church 30 minutes late, just in time for the sermon.  Going in that late, the door was locked, but some one came and let us in.  Sign of the times.  Knock and the door will be opened.  The pastor made mention of our arrival and asked everyone to move in to make room for us.  :) After church I read in the sun behind Gail's,  Denny worked on search committee stuff.  At 2:30 Lisa, Gail, Faye and Jane played pickleball.  At 5 VK's came over, we played joker with Nancy while Denny finished his conference call.  GREAT steaks from VK, grilled by Denny with temp probe.  Plus rice, salad, garlic bread, guacamole and we ate all of it out on the deck.  At 7 Trivia.  Denny's team won.  Another great day in the Valley.  Pictures of patonque ball playing.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Another great Saturday

Donuts at 9.  I went and bought an ankle wrap as Denny and Lisa played pickle ball.  At home we chilled and I read over at Gail's in the sun.   We headed to the community hall about 3:30.  Snacks, style show, Awards, Chicken dinner, dance.  Full afternoon/night.  Great day in the valley!!
fix tires on 2 bikes

Friday, January 26, 2018


Kinda slow am,  We were down by horseshoe pit by 9.  Played petanke until 2.  I went back to trailer and made sandwiches.  I got on my bike the wrong way and now my ankle hurts.  I don't know what I did to it, exactly.  I noticed it hurt after I home.  Lisa brought a load of wash over and we went to the island.  I sat on beach while the 3 walked.  Afterward to Joe's oyster bar for supper.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Bike ride

Nice slow am.  The horseshoe contest was cancelled.  VK's came over and we decided to ride the bikes out to the battlefield.  We left before noon.  Jane, Ken, and I drove to the aqua center and met Lisa, and Denny who rode from the park.  We borrowed Gail and Bruce's bikes.   Nice informational talk and video history.  I rode 13 miles.  Lisa took an hour nap after she got home.  I chilled with Denny as he grilled the steak for sandwiches.  At 4, 7 of played pickleball until 5.  Quick great meal by Nancy of salad, mashed potatoes, and a great salad.  Denny went to a search committee conference call until 10 pm.  I went to the hot tub and then to play joker.

23-24 mile bike ride

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Pool tourney ... Not good

Lisa and Ken came over for breakfast.  He is feeling better.  It was great to visit with them around the table.  Ken went back to the RV for a nap, Lisa and I walked for a while, then after Ken got up they walked to Gordon's for a pop.  Denny made a conference call with Alan S.  There was an impromptu Jam session.  Tracy and I bounced between the pool and music.  There were 16 ladies in the tournament.  When I played Tracy I lost big time.  It was really not good playing, but that is okay.  I watched Gail play a couple games.  She went on to get second.  (Marily 1, Joan 3, and Terri 4).  VK and 5 of us went to C&C wings for supper.  Lots of people there, It was worth the wait.  Lisa and I went to HEB for groceries.  Great day in the Valley.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Shuffle board shuffled by.

Denny and I played at shuffleboard at 9 am.  His team lost and my team won, but Wendy and I  lost the 12 noon game.  Denny went with J&J to see the turtle release and climb the lighthouse.  I was painting the dock and the almost empty pail fell into the resaca.  OH, dear,  I hope it does not pollute the water too much.  :)   Lisa and Ken VK came in tonight at 11:50.  Denny took me to the airport about 10:40. I waited for their plane and rode with them to four seaons in their rental car.  Ken and Lisa have been taking care of the grands, 7 month old, 3 year old and 4 year old.  The baby had been nursing and had a cold and K&L had 5 nights with very little sleep.  After they got to Dallas he wasn't feeling well, the motion got to him on the flight to B'ville.  Oh, dear, not good.  He said the plane bathrooms for 18 inches square and he was 20 inches.  More sickness and he got off the plane and waited for luggage.  The car they reserved to rent had a low tire, so they were given a bigger SUV.  I took them to their RV and then walked home in the rain.  We got the greatest news.  Luke and Karen are coming to B'ville Feb 22 to Feb. 26.  Makes me smile so much.


Monday, January 22, 2018

First day of Fun Week

I think it was a 3 W day.   First of all Luke and Karen may come to visit us in Feb. or March.  Next we played DARTS, PICKLE BALL, and visited a neighbor at 4 pm.  We had buns and egg salad, so we had the family over at 5:15.  Pony tail canasta was at 6.  When I came back to the trailer, Denny was talking to Mike B. on the phone.  That was so nice.  Denny and Gail got third in pickle ball.  I got about 5th.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday, fun day

We heard an animal chewing under our trailer at 2:30 am.  YUCK!!!  I fearfully woke up Denny from his sleep.  He went outside, but could not find the culprit.  I read before going back to bed.  When we got up we fixed hash browns and sausage coins.  Jane went with us to church. J&J and I went to 77 Flea Market.  I bought tomatoes, cilantro and avocados.  Denny cleaned the mobile home while we were gone.  When we got back Denny and I played shuffleboard.  Missy and kids facebooked.  At night we talked Denny into going with us to Trivia.  Our team won.  Nancy and Jane are good at the information.  Denny knew one answer and I did not even know one.  Picture by Diane Webb.  Love Sky Blue Pink

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Great day in the Valley

We visited with Mandy on her way to work this morning. Then we had an amazing breakfast that they fixed here at the park: scrambled eggs, hashbrowns- with or without onions, 2 kinds of sausage, bacon, 2 kinds of pancakes, biscuits and gravy, grits, coffee.  SOOO goood.  Everything!!  Then pickle ball from 9:30-11:00.  DN&I  talked about the trailer budget.  Looks good.  I painted the dock sloppily.  I just spread some paint on the floor of the dock.  At 2:45 we went to the Jam session at Faye and Jerry's.  It was really fun!  There were about 5 guitars and 20 people.  Jane drove us to the island about 5:30.  We watched the waves on the gulf side at Clayton's and then went to Louie's and had Cajun wings. At home we watched a Western movie on the deck.  Cute 6 month pictures of Jack in bib overalls, just like great grandpa Howard.

Paint dock

Friday, January 19, 2018

Fun Friday, but still cold

I was up and had devotions.  At 9:30 NJ&I went to Port Isabel.  While they were at choir practice I went to de ja vou and bought a white blouse, beige shorts and a macrame purse.  All 90 percent off. The cost was $4.  :)  We stopped at HEB.   Lunch at home was leftovers, good.  Denny had taken the car to ship our old i phones to Luke by UPS.  We played pickleball at 2:30.  Gail and Bruce are in Des Moines for Beckett's birthday.  We went to the horse races.  NJ&J went to eat at C&C Wings. 


Thursday, January 18, 2018

September 18 2010 Mandy with college friend

My blog post for September 18, 2010:

I headed to SC by 7:30. Met with four home school families, weighed in at WW, got bread at the bread store. Home by 1. Denny had met with Dan G. up at the unit. Alan J came from Ames. Let the moving begin. The painting is all done (not the closets, Who looks at them any way?). The 37 year old entertainment center came back into the house for toy storage in the Laundry/toy room. Mandy called and said she was going to a benefit with Jason C. from Cherokee. What a stitch. He is the son of a sorority sister of mine. We have gotten Christmas letters from his mom every year since we have lived in IG. I asked if she recognized him from being on our refigerator during December.

Memorial for Anabel Johnson

I miss Anabel Johnson very much.  She loved her Grands and great Grands.  She was so kind and loving, so helpful, and so willing to take the time for each person.  Look at that love in her eyes.  
I slept almost until 7.  Nice slow am.  At 10 Gail took us to D&D where I bought some acrylic paints.  At the thrift store I bought a pink fleece.  Yes, it is so cold here that I really wanted something warm.  Nancy went to bridge.  At 12:30 Dave and Jan took Jane and I to square dance at Winter Haven.  When we came back Denny joined us to listen to a park Jam session.  Wayne and Kay showed us some dance steps.  Nancy had lasagne in the freezer that she baked for J&J and D&F.  Ii played ponytail at 7.  Wonderful day and evening.  Weather ... not so wonderful.

Washed and waxed bicycle

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

supper from J&J

I played pool at 9.   It was fun, 12 gals came.  We had great left overs for lunch.  At 1:50 Nancy, Jean, and I went to the show Oriental Express.  Hurrah it was discount day; the movie cost $1.41.  At 6 J&J fixed supper for us.  Great!! sweet potato fries.  grilled brats, chicken breast and ribs.  We had a sweet time with sisters plus.  We facetimed Rachel to share how sweet/fun her mom Lenora was. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Border patrol

It was calm and warm when I got up, then at 7:15 a front came in and then wind rose and the temp lowered. Denny who was having a cup of coffee on the deck came in.  Uffta!!  Here comes the cold.  The border patrol tour was postponed from 8:30 am to 12:30.  We literally chilled in the morning.  I read, Denny looked at the trailer budget, Nancy went to the ladies luncheon.  I did take back the coffee and get Black Silk.  At noon Highfills picked up Jane, Denny and myself.  We went to the wrong place for the tour, but called Bruce H. and he got us headed the right way.  It was very interesting.  At home Nancy's packages have arrived.  Gail and I went and picked oranges from Jan and Nick's home.  With the freeze coming they offered oranges to anyone.  I didn't go , but 7 from the park went to yoga.  We had taco Tuesday at Hendersons.  Anabel and Missy facetimed us on their way to gymnastics.  That was great!!  Nice cold day in the Valley!!!!

Did have coffee on the deck before big chill arrived
Worked on trailer budget

Monday, January 15, 2018

Bike ride

I was up early and "putsted" around until pickle ball at 8:30.  About 10:30 Denny and I rode bikes.  I drove to the aqua center.  We rode the battlefield trail to historic Brownsville.  Then back to a central location where Denny took the trail north to the battle field and I headed home.  I rode 15 miles, he rode 35 miles.  Nice morning to go biking.  I drove to the half price store, then to Lopez grocery store for coffee, butter and eggs for Denny.  While I waited for supper I took out trash then played pool by myself.  Potluck was at 6 and I played ponytail canasta at 7.  Nice day in the Valley.   Cute wedding picture from 2012/

Lenora Leistikow died today.  She was my mom's best friend.  Carl and Lenora were my God parents at my baptism.  She was 104 years old and a wonderful example to me.  She will be missed.  This is a picture of me with Lenora's 2 daughters, Rachel and Linda, July 2017.

35 mile bike ride

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday fun day

It was a slow am.  Church at 10:30.  We went to Boca Chica beach with J&J after lunch.  It was gorgeous!  So relaxing.  The sun was shining and it wasn't too windy.  Denny walked down towards the border,   I laid on a towel and watched the waves come in.  At 5:30 we picked up Bert and Dan to go dancing at Riverbend.  It was crazy because at our table Dan won $65, Jan won $50 in the 50/50 drawing.  It was a fun day!!  Kane went to Leggo land with his dad