Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Saturday in Ames

I started the day with coffee and devo in the sofa area of the hotel.  I saw some GPs go out to walk and so I got my shoes and joined up with them: Sandy P. Sue E Linda C and Jo S.  We walked about 2 miles then they stopped for breakfast and I went to check on Denny.  I spent more time at the sofa area.   This am the Mo. Johnsons got weathered out of their activities.   I drove out to Barb N's beautiful acreage about 11, Denny stayed in the room.  She had put out a blanket invitation and in total about 20+ GPs /3 husbands came to visit.  I went to the GPB house for a tour about 1.  It is a beautiful place and fun to tour after all these years.  I picked up Denny at the Gateway and we went back out to Barb's until 4:30.  The banquet social time was 5-7.  After the meal, during the program 375 GPs sang the "GPB sweetheart" song to Denny and the other handful of men that were brave enough to join their wives this weekend.  Nice visiting all evening!

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