Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hopefully work outside

Up for devo and T25.   Took garbage out.  Hi Ho Hi Ho, then outside I go.  All morning I kept putting it off working outdoors with the flowers.  But finally I did go out and it was a beautiful day.  I put on the wheel for the wheel barrel, wiped out the little blue pool, carried the alstromeria  plants to the deck, planted some eucalyptus in 3 pots,  cut off stems of dahlias, carried dahlias to CSA barn to rinse off, tilled up 2/3 of the flower area south of the coop so it can be planted to grass, and rested quit often.  I worked hard.  Hopefully the flower area will go to grass so I won't have so much work to do next year.  "Good bye" flowers, hopefully "Hello, more time for golf".  Airbnb came about the time I left for Awana.   Only 28 kids there.  Almost as many leaders. Denny face timed with boys about making carpet ball tables over Thanksgiving.  It sounds like a great project to me.

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