Thursday, October 11, 2018


Morning in the sun room, wonderful , relaxing ...I went out at 10 to work in the flowers,  picking, rolling up water hoses, putting away hog panel structures, and pulling some weeds.  Denny has a   haircut at noon.  Oksanna called and I am giving her a ride to study.   I picked her up at 1:30.  She got change turned into bills and her fingernail fixed, I looked thru Doses.  We got to study a little late.  After supper we cleaned up after Terry G. finished fixing the basement kitchen ceiling after the water pipe broke.   Uffta!!! What a mess it was when water pipe broke, BUT it could have been so much worse.  After study we went to see Elfreida and pray with her.  I picked a cupful of raspberries at Paulsruds before coming home.  At home Denny was putting his feet up.  After supper we cleaned the basement and watched the 3 episodes of This Is Us that I haven't seen this season.  Pictures" Kara and her girls   Mary Kay and her girls.

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