Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Awana banana split

I was home until Awana.  When I am gone and return from anyplace it seeems like I have 2 roomfuls of stuff to bring in from the car.  Then the pile of stuff that needs to be put away doubles every 15 minutes.  So this am I made 5 trips to the bunk house, 4 trips to the dumpster, I took things to the machine shed 4 times, 2 trips to the basement, 2 trips to the CSA shed, and got most of stuff put back.  I still need to get the ladder and take a box up in the attic above the garage.  Oh, my, I get out so much stuff.  I do wish the family book would have come today.  Oh, well, something else to look forward to.  I am sure it will come tomorrow when it can't be sent.   Awana went well.  There were   I think we used about 5 pails of ice cream, 5 whipped cream, 5  24 ounce of frozen strawberries, chocolate and caramel sauce, 5 whipped cream and chopped nuts.  I think they were about 25-30 first time guests.  The pastor candidate and his wife are here for the weekend.

This Creed was on Terry's funeral brochure:
Farming nurtures the family ties that make life rich in many ways money cannot buy. 
Farming provides education for life and no other occupation teaches so much about birth, growth and maturity in such a variety of ways.  
True happiness come from watching your crops ripen in the field, your children grow tall in the sun, your whole family feel the pride that springs from their shared experience. 

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