Sunday, October 21, 2018

Golden Fall Carpet

I slept in until 6:30.  It was after 8 when Jack woke up.   The best thing was when Missy called when she was fixing cheese quesadillas for supper.  It is SO good to hear and see her life.  Breakfast after Jack got up.  It was a good time for both guys.  I went to SS late to share Jessica's prayer request and Denny's success and thanks for surgery going well.  Before church there was an informal reception for Harskamps.  Jack and I spent church in the small nursing room.  He played so well with the toys in the room.  After church the youth group served a lunch.  At home playing ... and lunch ... and naps.  I worked on 3 canvas prints to order if okayed by Denny.  Another stinky diaper after nap.  G'pa continued his nap, Jack played in the sun room and  I watched Madam Secretary.
This weekend Jensen's took a trek, one of the places they visited was the Monkey Temple.  Or something like that.

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