Monday, October 15, 2018

Sunday Return home

Nice am.  I slept in Torren's bedroom; it has a soft comfy bed.  We headed to church about 7:45.  After church and connections we went to eat Mexican.  Great meal, Becky made a good choice of restaurant.  I headed home and on the way stopped in Red Oak.  Two of my ISU friends were at a meet and greet candidate reception.  Last Saturday Maggie, Barb, and I toured the GPB house and took a picture in the second floor bedroom where we stayed.  The roads were pretty snow covered and ice packed from Red Oak to Avoca, but as I drove north from there the road snow/sleet disappeared.  At home I just crawled in bed with Denny to warm up and nap.  Slow night, very comfortable and sleepy.   Jensens are on a hike trip as they have a 2 week break between first and second quarter.  I have finished watching all 6 seasons of Downton Abbey.  Such a task completed...

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