Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Jack Day

I love the mornings in the sunroom.  Denny got up, fixed breakfast and went in to a search committee meeting.  He is really in pain.  He could hardly sit on a folding chair by the computer where I was working.  And walking so slowly thru the house to the jeep.  Lord, may the days go quickly until surgery.  I headed north about the same time Denny left to go to Arthur.  In Cherokee I stopped at the smokey $5 box  store and filled up a box.  Mandy went on the computer after she had been at the hospital and was encouraged.  She left for work about 11:30, working only the afternoon today, because she works Saturday morning.  I had lunch with Jason and Jack.  Jack went down to nap about 1.  Sandy came to visit about 1:30.  So good to talk to her.  She is meeting with a gal from IG who has brought her daughter to Awana.  Lord, guide activities.   Jan and Mary come for a visit about 3:30.  They are heading North tomorrow am.  I drove to Awana  on the newly widened 4 lane highway 20.   At home we chilled and visited in the sunroom. Pictures are of G'mas and the coop car and Bethany and Jacob visiting Japan Nakazawas. 

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