Saturday, October 20, 2018

Best Medicine ... Home ... Own bed ... Jack

Denny slept pretty well last night.  At least as much as you can get after being woken up every 4 hours to take pain pills.  I got the beds made in the airbnb and vacuuming done.  I went into Harskamps auction for the next few hours.  I did not buy anything, (only a hammock out of a box that another gal bought).   So much nice stuff!!!  A lot of people went home with great treasures.  I am not at the place in life to get more stuff, even if it is really cool stuff, but I was so happy to watch all the happenings.  At 3 I met Jan at the Subway parking lot for the handoff.  Poor Jack had to wake up after being a sleep for 20-30 minutes.  That is not a fun time for me either.  BUT a cookie sharing at Subway helped.  We got home to be greeted by friendly animals.  Both parties were happy.  And Jack is great medicine for G'pa.  What a nice boy!!  After a warm bath he went right to sleep, about 15 minutes before his mom called from California.  I/we really had a hard time downloading 2 pictures, but finally Denny figured out how to do it.    I finished the book work.  We ordered books and went to bed.  Hurrah!!!

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