Last day of the trip. It has been great!!! Looks like today will be a nice warm one. I sat with 2 couples that have Ida county roots. Bob M. (his wife Glenrose) grew up in Battle Creek. Vern and Karen W. live in Schleswig. I may get home in time for Awana. We'll see. I had my devos in front of a fake fireplace that has glass on inside and outside, so it is look thru to the outside. Casino music, casino coffee and the news on a screen with no volume. Big buffet breakfast in am. Our first stop was Amana Colonies. Jean and I walked around. She bought a top and scarf and I got a scarf like hers. I also bought a t shirt and some pool balls for the carpet ball games we are planning to build over Thanksgiving. We got to Walnut about 4 and I stopped at home to pick flowers in the garden before heading to church. Good night at Awana. Search committee met later. Good to visit with Denny when he got home. We got a cute video of smiling Luke watching Rose dance. Children are such fun!!! Grands and their parents.

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