Friday, May 31, 2019

Such a fun day I could not go to sleep last night.

Pickleball with Sue K at 5 15.  The to the grocery store and Dose garage sale.  At 9:30 I went to golf with Julie and shot a 53.  Home by noon.  Worked outside all day.  Clean greenhouse.  Till around flower beds.  Denny mowed.  Pizza for supper.  Put more stuff up in loft.  Raked Maple whirlygigs off coop cement. Fire.  Talked to Matt who has water problems in his basement. UFFTA!!!  They took out the carpet and are now trying to figure out how to fix/cleanup/floor cover the basement.  We were shot after working the afternoon.  Gail gave me a plant, I don't really know why she gave it to me, but I happily took it and put it in a blue pot.

Denny sprayed off the picnic table and treated it with linseed oil.

The painted CSA barn looks great!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Crab grass Uffta!!

Mix am with Jenn and then afterward the sauna.  Headed home, helped Denny put old cans, pails, etc. in the loft.  Worked outside until 2.  I went to LakeView with the Bible Study gals to see Marie.  On the way home I stopped at Terry G. for some mums.  At 6 was the Water Bottle campfire at Mike G. where we put labels on 5000 water bottles that our church hands out at the 2 parades, Odebolt Creek days, Ida Grove Heritage Days and Battle Creek 4th of July.  It is always such a fun time.   

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Life is better with sisters

Up for Yoga at the Y with Gail.  We worked on the beautiful hard puzzle.  We ate lunch at the downtown Mexican restaurant.  We did not get the puzzle finished before I left for home.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Visiting Gail and Bruce

Rain in the am.  Uffta!!  I went to AM mix and then played pickle ball with Sue K until 6:45.  Fun!! We plan to do it again on Friday am.  I went home and it was still raining.  Uffta!!  Denny had fixed breakfast.  Nancy and I left for OGT from 8-11.  We bought small? ice cream treats at Brownies before we headed home.  Naps, lunch, and headed to Atlantic with one stop at the Junkery in Denison.  At Gails we played some board games and started a puzzle before heading to bed.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Thank you to the Armed Services who sacrifice...

I'm kinda tired of waking up to the sound of rain...
Not really complaining ... but, yes, I guess I am.  Faith, get over it.  At least I have been waking up as opposed to the alternative.
Nice am, (except for the rain).  I went out to spray the loft of the CSA building.  We went to the Memorial service at the skate palace.  Nice program.  AND a great lunch.  At home we napped and then I went out and finished spraying out the loft of the CSA.   T'was good to toss some boards down to get taken away to trash.   Denny mowed the lawn.  We chilled on the deck and then I went out to pick asparagus and finish spraying off boards.  Great supper of grilled asparagus and brats and visiting.  Nice day with Nancy!!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Old town yoga

Great breakfast by Denny and then we went to Church and SS.  First day in new book.  Lunch, then naps.  At 3:30 Nancy and I headed to Old Town season opening.  Beautiful afternoon.  Denny and I met at the rec center for Yoga then I headed back to Old Town to listen to April and Eric before Nancy and I headed home.  It was a beautiful night.  Here are the pictures of some of the family at the party, but I didn't get everyone's picture.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gail and Bruce Party!!!

We got to Atlantic about 9:30.  Just chilled at Gail's, some were playing golf across the street.  I and others helped Gail set up the serving room at the AGCC.   Back to their condo for a meat / cheese tray, fruit salad, lunch.   More and more came to their condo.  At 5 we took the food to the golf course and 6 we ate.  The brothers had to quite after 36 holes at 5 pm.   Though Keith  said they could have perhaps did another round if they didn't have to stop for the anniversary dance/supper.   Great fun dance 7-11.  Gail and Bruce danced the first dance: "May I have this dance for the rest of my life."  All my siblings were there.  Quite a feat in itself.  After the dance we helped them load stuff in their car then Nancy came to the farm with us for a couple days.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Jack Day

Up and Devos before I head to Cherokee.  It has been raining all night and it continues to come down.  Uffta!!  Lord, grant me safety as I head up to see Jack. It was a fun day.  Bubbles, car, bike, tools, trucks, and the biggest accomplishment was acclimating Jack to Rumba.  He transitioned from grabbing my leg and climbing up my body and clinging tightly ... very tightly ... to me.  TO being able to stand by himself as Rumba bumped into his foot.   I stopped at HyVee to get some flowers for Gail's party ... and as I left a garage sale there were some lilacs in an empty lot.  Just what I was looking for: beautiful dark purple full blossoms.   Thank you Jesus.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tractor in hospital

AM mix, sauna, 4 Kiron/Odebolt gals come to rec center to play pickleball.  #we4nomore   At home Denny is spraying off the house until Brian comes to give the 4020 a ride to Dedham.   I got a haircut at 11 with Daytona.  At home I tried to sort/put in folders some of my accumulation of papers.  We got an Email saying they would work on our cement patio at the end of next week/ dependent on weather and DOT orders.   I went to Ginny's for study 2-4.  When I got home Denny was gone with the tractor delivery and so we didn't eat Mexican at Schleswig.  I really enjoy exercising with the gals at the rec center.  Hopefully all my huffing and puffing will help me be healthier.

Denny and I at 4-H camp before we were married..
Swede and Norse

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Another gray day

Zumba at 5:30.  Home for coffee afterward.  I went back to sleep and Denny started spraying the house siding.   I went to the CSA to  plant Teddy sunflowers, zinnia, and morning glory seeds.  Then I started to spray the deck while Denny went to get his haircut and to mow at Lynn's.  After the deck was sprayed, I started to mow.  The grass really looks green.  It was even more so brought to our attention when the N. family said ,"It looks so clean."  So green, lush and clean!!!
We finished mowing and called it a day. Denny spent quite a bit of time trying to stir up the 5 gallons of outdoor white paint that looks like cottage cheese.  We got paint thinner and a stirrer that fits on his drill.  Uffta!!  All to try and get the paint so we can spread it on the east side of the CSA building and merry go round.  We spent quite a bit of time on the north side of the deck.  There was a goldfinch in the oak tree and Denny used his phone to duplicate the bird's sound.  We have no life ... and I love it!!

Tuesday May 21 Happy Birthday Denny!!!

Denny is 69!!  I bought him some pickles, juice, and beef sticks.  I would have gotten him a tool sleeve to store his new "Larson" tools, but he ordered my idea on Amazon, so technically he bought his own present.

Blizzard weather ... only 10 degrees above freezing
AM mix at 5:30.  I had a cup of coffee at the rec center and then went to OGT.  Julie came over and we putted a little in honor of a Tuesday golf day ... THAT IS TOO COLD TO BE OUTSIDE!!!!
Denny and I used a gift certificate from the Storm Lake clinic doctor who used our Jeep for a few months last year.  The Smokin Herford brisket was really good.  At home we had a 8 pm phone call with family.  Denny said he slept better with out a pillow.  Who Knew???

Such a cute picture of Anabel and Howard

Monday, May 20, 2019

Picket fence reinforced and moved

Zumba then sauna at 5:30. Home for coffee, devos and news.  Denny and I put another couple boards on front bench.  Then re tackled the picket fence that had fallen/blown down during the winter season.   We removed it on the east and south east portion, put on re-enforcing boards, pulled out the fence posts, re-positioned the picket fence, moved the pile of wood into the coop, went to the greenhouse that was just about blowin' in the wind and taped it, put boards to try and prevent the plastic from blowing away.  I used the bolt cutter and made the 16 foot flower supports into 8 foot supports.  At 2:30 we stopped for pizza and a cold drink and then we headed into town to deposit Denny's Larson check and get tape and paintbrushes.  I watched news/napped/ and tried to get warm.  Did more work outside. Planted 2 bags of zinnias from Bruce ... probably 3 years old.  Friends, please pray for Sean and Shelly A. as he is battling brain cancer.

Green Valley Connection 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Rainy day

Coffee good, bacon great!    Pretty amazing ... as we ate breakfast we saw a rabbit.  I said it ate one of my flowers yesterday.  So Elmer Fudd got his gun and went out to get the Pesky Wabbit.  IN HIS BARE FEET.  My husband who never goes anywhere in his bare feet ... went outside ... after a a bunny.  He was hoping to shoot at it from the deck, but it moved and Denny left the deck barefooted.  ONE SHOT and super shot got that hare.  Hip Hurrah!!!  I went at 8:45 to prayer time at church.  It was good to just relax this afternoon.   At 5 we went to yoga at the rec center.  The 30 minutes of lukewarm hot tub was good.

Saturday work and Grad

Denny spent most of the day until 2 pm fixing and removing the old cattle tank along the road.  I keep busy weeding,  planting glads, watering some of the flower plugs.  Denny loaded some of the old carpet runners on the bobcat to take to the hole.  We got ready and headed to Alyssa and Sierra's graduation parties.  We visited with Laura at church and after we got done in Arthur we went to Ida Grove and brought Laura out to the farm to hang out.  We wanted her to relax ans spent the night here.  Denny had hopes of fixing us breakfast.  But Beth and Jacob came to get her so she could sleep in her own bed.   Matt's family got a new kitten.  The last picture is of the
OABCIG 4x100 team winning the state title.  I worked with Sydney her freshman year at the HS.  SO great that they won the race!!!  What a great picture of pure JOY!!!

Friday, May 17, 2019


I went to 5:30 am water aerobics and then home. Some of the lilies were over crowded and so I dug some up and moved to a different location.  At 12:30 I headed to church to help cut up fruit for Alyssa's graduation party tomorrow.  We headed to  Cherokee at 5 stopping to get some roundup to kill weeds that are taking over in places.  Mandy had fixed a great meal for us and John and Jan. It was so much FUN to hang out with them!!  Mandy went to Orange City yesterday and had a great time.
Graduation Celebration:

  Mother's Day celebration:

Birthday Celebration:

Oh, Yes, on top of everything today when Denny was putting license plate stickers on the vehicles and checking to make sure insurance cards were in the glove compartment, he found out the our pickup has not been insured since Feb. 2017.  Oh, My!  Thank you Jesus for no accidents.  UFFTA!!!
And thank that he realized it and got is fixed.  

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Full Day

AM mix at 5:30.  I  had a dentist  appointment at 10.  At 1 we had lunch at study.  There were 9 of us there to celebrate Pat G.'s birthday.  Ginny, Susan, Teresa, Oksana, Sharon, Rhonda, Jenn Elfreida and me.  Denny spryed 24D around the barn.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Move plants

Rec Center @5:30 ... Good workout ... At home I took the morning off,  Denny left about 12:30 to go drive a tractor.  After he left I started to  move hostas, I divided the ones from the front and put some in the front and some in the south. Denny came home about 6 ... Larsons have finished  needing him.  SO we sat happily on the deck and the chairs in front of the CSA and enjoyed the night.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I like my Tuesdays

Rec Center - Mix AM.  Scrabble for workout.  Next I went to O Grain Train.  This spring OGT sent $230,000 for Nebraska Flood relief.  It is nice to be a part of a service that helps locally as well as worldwide.  I texted Julie P and she would play golf with me at 2.  I paid my half price dues ($212.50).  T'was fun.  I shot a 57.  Hopefully I can improve the score.  I  played best ball with Judy S. Brenda and Kathy.  T'was good.  At home Denny had mowed and was weeding.  We chilled and walked around to see the hooks he has put on the coop and CSA barn.  I relaxed in the hammock ... Denny grilled.  To bed early.
Jensen's new patio rock area.
 Picture of Rose

Monday, May 13, 2019

Back Home

Luke helped me carry a load to my car before he went to work.  Rose, Karen, and I took the strider bike to the park.  Back at their place, Rose and I read books and then she read books on the bed while I took a short nap.  I headed to Trader Joes after we had a delicious leftover lunch.  NOTE TO SELF.  When traveling from Trader Joes to 2981 Orchard Avenue and using Google maps ... Be sure to plug in the right address.  How I plugged in the MSP airport ... I have no idea, but I am sure my trip home would have been faster if I had NOT gone by way of the departure flight area of MSP airport.  Uffta!!! Oh, my !!! Don't know how I did that, but I'll double check next time and not just blindly follow the verbal map voice.  Besides that goose chase I had a non-eventful trip home.  At home we visited and sampled Trader Joes and enjoyed a fire in the coop.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day in Minneapolis

I left Burr Oak at 6 and got to Luke's about 9.  Beautiful morning to drive.  Luke had fixed blueberry pancakes for Karen for breakfast and I got one too.  We walked a block to the 10:15 church service.  After lunch we took a bike ride to Walter Park.  Fun place to walk around and look.  Of course on the way home Rose fell asleep and so her afternoon nap was only on the bike.  Uffta!! We went out to NOLO's for a great supper.  I had arugala bacon pizza. After Rose went to bed, Luke and Karen went to a view of the Minneapolis skyline place to chill.

Matt's family

Missy's family

Luke's family

Mandy's Jack