Friday, May 17, 2019


I went to 5:30 am water aerobics and then home. Some of the lilies were over crowded and so I dug some up and moved to a different location.  At 12:30 I headed to church to help cut up fruit for Alyssa's graduation party tomorrow.  We headed to  Cherokee at 5 stopping to get some roundup to kill weeds that are taking over in places.  Mandy had fixed a great meal for us and John and Jan. It was so much FUN to hang out with them!!  Mandy went to Orange City yesterday and had a great time.
Graduation Celebration:

  Mother's Day celebration:

Birthday Celebration:

Oh, Yes, on top of everything today when Denny was putting license plate stickers on the vehicles and checking to make sure insurance cards were in the glove compartment, he found out the our pickup has not been insured since Feb. 2017.  Oh, My!  Thank you Jesus for no accidents.  UFFTA!!!
And thank that he realized it and got is fixed.  

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