Saturday, May 4, 2019

Good day for planting

Up and Denny already had his breakfast made.  Then he went back to bed; it rained last night and set back the fieldwork until later.  Keith called to say he had ordered a 13x26 tent for shed area for our class reunion and for storing his stuff!!!   Sisters' Saturday phone calls are always good.
I stopped at Prairie Peddlar ($20 for 3 pots of gomphrenia before going to Joyce's green house for sales ($70 with $30 dollar bright pink).   I stopped at a couple garage sales, SOS, and stopped to see Mandy for a quick visit.  Then home to till and plant flowers.  I planted 2 rows of sunflowers south of coop.  Then I started to mow the lawn.  Denny came home after working (only 9 hours) and we both ran mowers.   At night I sorted about 13 bags of SOS clothes to take to OGT on Tuesday.  pretty good day.  I feel good about getting some flowers in the ground.  Now, hopefully it won't freeze.

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