Monday, May 20, 2019

Picket fence reinforced and moved

Zumba then sauna at 5:30. Home for coffee, devos and news.  Denny and I put another couple boards on front bench.  Then re tackled the picket fence that had fallen/blown down during the winter season.   We removed it on the east and south east portion, put on re-enforcing boards, pulled out the fence posts, re-positioned the picket fence, moved the pile of wood into the coop, went to the greenhouse that was just about blowin' in the wind and taped it, put boards to try and prevent the plastic from blowing away.  I used the bolt cutter and made the 16 foot flower supports into 8 foot supports.  At 2:30 we stopped for pizza and a cold drink and then we headed into town to deposit Denny's Larson check and get tape and paintbrushes.  I watched news/napped/ and tried to get warm.  Did more work outside. Planted 2 bags of zinnias from Bruce ... probably 3 years old.  Friends, please pray for Sean and Shelly A. as he is battling brain cancer.

Green Valley Connection 

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