Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Fun day ahead

The alarm had to wake me this am.  Am mix class, sauna, devotions in Rec center.  I worked at the Orphan Grain train 7:30-10:00.  Then home to shower and pack.  We left for St. Joe and when we were just south of Kiron we got a phone call from Becky.  Haley's track meet was cancelled.  Bummer!!  We turned around and went home.  It was still rainy and so Denny wasn't needed to drive tractor.  I got a phone call from Sally P. and arranged to go to the Odebolt nursing home and show Paul, Maryann and Sally my Nep. pictures.  It was so good to see them.  Denny stayed home and weeded the asparagus and garlic.  I went to the home school meeting at 7.
Lord, I believe these truths are so important for teens ... and all of us.

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