Sunday, May 12, 2019

The last Roundup

After Bruce made me sausages for breakfast I showed him pictures from my N. trip.  I stopped at Keith's for coffee before heading to N. Winn. for the 4 mile walk.  I walked with Myrna, Diane, and Kathy.  It wasn't a race, we finished in last place, BUT we did finish and we did talk all the way.  From there Kathy rode with me to Mable plant sale and farmers' market.  Myrna joined us and we went to Canton to a couple of greenhouses.  At noon there was a potluck meal and a pep fest at 1.  They called out the cheer leaders from years past to lead them in the school song.  Dwight S. spoke.  When I stopped at Craig's Betsy and Wade were there.  Craig took us out to the site where he is building his new house.  Then we went to Barney's for supper.  I went to Craig's' and then back to Barney's and back to Bruce's to sleep.  I played a lot of fun softball games on that softball field.

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