Monday, May 27, 2019

Thank you to the Armed Services who sacrifice...

I'm kinda tired of waking up to the sound of rain...
Not really complaining ... but, yes, I guess I am.  Faith, get over it.  At least I have been waking up as opposed to the alternative.
Nice am, (except for the rain).  I went out to spray the loft of the CSA building.  We went to the Memorial service at the skate palace.  Nice program.  AND a great lunch.  At home we napped and then I went out and finished spraying out the loft of the CSA.   T'was good to toss some boards down to get taken away to trash.   Denny mowed the lawn.  We chilled on the deck and then I went out to pick asparagus and finish spraying off boards.  Great supper of grilled asparagus and brats and visiting.  Nice day with Nancy!!

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