Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I like my Tuesdays

Rec Center - Mix AM.  Scrabble for workout.  Next I went to O Grain Train.  This spring OGT sent $230,000 for Nebraska Flood relief.  It is nice to be a part of a service that helps locally as well as worldwide.  I texted Julie P and she would play golf with me at 2.  I paid my half price dues ($212.50).  T'was fun.  I shot a 57.  Hopefully I can improve the score.  I  played best ball with Judy S. Brenda and Kathy.  T'was good.  At home Denny had mowed and was weeding.  We chilled and walked around to see the hooks he has put on the coop and CSA barn.  I relaxed in the hammock ... Denny grilled.  To bed early.
Jensen's new patio rock area.
 Picture of Rose

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