Sunday, May 19, 2019

Rainy day

Coffee good, bacon great!    Pretty amazing ... as we ate breakfast we saw a rabbit.  I said it ate one of my flowers yesterday.  So Elmer Fudd got his gun and went out to get the Pesky Wabbit.  IN HIS BARE FEET.  My husband who never goes anywhere in his bare feet ... went outside ... after a a bunny.  He was hoping to shoot at it from the deck, but it moved and Denny left the deck barefooted.  ONE SHOT and super shot got that hare.  Hip Hurrah!!!  I went at 8:45 to prayer time at church.  It was good to just relax this afternoon.   At 5 we went to yoga at the rec center.  The 30 minutes of lukewarm hot tub was good.

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