Thursday, May 2, 2019

Fun Day Ahead

I woke up a little early and couldn't go back to sleep.  There was a fun day ahead.  AM mix workout was a very good workout.  Jogging 4 laps, (I jogged 1 and walked 1).  Then with a partner - one minute of exercise for one person (0ther rests) 4 burpees (I modified those too) then the other person works exercises and the first person rests ... continue rotating for 15 minutes   Then jog 4 laps again.  After 45 minutes, i went to the sauna for about 10 minutes,  GOOD workout for me.  I got groceries and walked thru Shopko that is closing. At the Dose garage sale I got some
Orphan Grain train
Study at Ginny's
Fun Day

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