Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gail and Bruce Party!!!

We got to Atlantic about 9:30.  Just chilled at Gail's, some were playing golf across the street.  I and others helped Gail set up the serving room at the AGCC.   Back to their condo for a meat / cheese tray, fruit salad, lunch.   More and more came to their condo.  At 5 we took the food to the golf course and 6 we ate.  The brothers had to quite after 36 holes at 5 pm.   Though Keith  said they could have perhaps did another round if they didn't have to stop for the anniversary dance/supper.   Great fun dance 7-11.  Gail and Bruce danced the first dance: "May I have this dance for the rest of my life."  All my siblings were there.  Quite a feat in itself.  After the dance we helped them load stuff in their car then Nancy came to the farm with us for a couple days.

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