Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday July 7

I went to Howard's about 8 and invited him over for lunch today. Diane was planning to leave about 10. Bergmans called, they were having a hog roast and invited us. Denny declined. He really doesn't feel like getting out. I went and got some parsley from Brenda for parsley potatoes for Howard. Most of the day I was just in apartment with Denny. I worked very little on classwork. Laura called and wanted to use the pick up. She had gotten some furniture at an auction. Toshi came out and got the truck. Mandy called to day on her way down to Duluth to visit with Siches. Kane's birthday party is today. Hate to miss it, but don't want to travel with out Denny. We sat on the deck at night. Stephen and Laura brought 2 hamburgers. AT night we watched our third DVD of the day.Pictures from 3rd of July Fire works at Howard's We had the party in to lower shed. Uken's joined us. John gave us a archery demonstration. Love those sparklers.

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