Praise the Lord!! Thank you for the great nation that we live in. I baked banana muffin this am before 6. Then out to weed until 7. Bob and Teresa were such an encouragement coming to weed at 6 am. There were 5 of us out there working. Bob was using the string trimmer and really cleaned up the big weeds. we got the in the row weeds. Thank you so much!!! Praise the Lord for encouragers. Then to Laura’s for prayer time for youth in New Orleans, back to the garden, about 8:30 am Bob and Teresa came in to share a cup of coffee with Denny. I went to Dad's for a short visit, back to clean the apartment. Missy and kids ran in Battle Creek run. Denny was sitting up and working on lap top most of am. Missy made him eggs and pancakes for breakfast/ lunch. I worked some on 876 paper. The teacher finally got back to me about the paper that was due 2 days ago. Oh well. Reese stopped to visit after handing out water at the BC parade. So nice. I worked outside most of early evening picking flowers for tomorrow. Jensen's went to Fireworks with Laura, Stephen and John Y. Diane called, she didn't know where Dad's trophies were. He has an interview with American Purebred Angus tomorrow at 2 pm. I went over and we found the box with the trophies and the box with the heirloom punch bowl. Praise the Lord!!
Now about the pictures Last Wednesday Denny had ankle fusion surgery. Basically they opened the side of his ankle, pulled the tibia to the side so they could work on the fibula (or maybe it is the other way around?) The doctor scrapped the bottom of one ankle bone, and the top of the other bone in the ankle, he drew out bone marrow from the hip, mixed it with solution and pressed the two bloody bones together with the bone marrow solution. The plan was to trick the bones into thinking they should heal and fuse together. 5 screws were put from the bottom on the heel up through the two bloody bones to hold the two bones in place. The 4 horizontal screws you see were in the ankle from the horse riding accident in 1973. Then the Doctor added a couple more screws at an angle just for good measure. Denny had a nerve block in his back that didn't wear off for 48 hours. That's a good thing. He was an excellent patient. I spent Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Whitney's home. So good to spend time with friends. Praise the Lord!!!

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