Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday 28, 2012

Up by 7 and outside working in the yard. I worked most of the day outside, Missy and I finished painting one picket fence and ran out of paint so she went in to town to fix a tire and get more paint. I carried about 4 wheel barrel leads of weeds away from flower beds. Mandy went on a float trip with co workers. Phillip weed whipped and mowed by barn. In afternoon Missy power washed the house. Phillip put the tire back on tiller and got it going for me. I roto tilled the potato patch. Then Phillip -Bless his heart- helped me with a couple tasks. We trimmed more off the ever green tree. We gave weeds and sumac a haircut by fisher boy. AND he helped me with eagles nest / wisteria dream idea. Uffta!! Poor guy. I told him working with a son in law was great for me. I don't think Denny would have found the time. He would have seen my dream as a night mare. Okay, it doesn't look like much now, but I envision it covered with wisteria vines ...on the hog panels ...shading the carpeted area ...another place for kids. I apologized to Phillip that I had way too much time to think of projects as I worked outside by myself today. When I got in about 7 I just lay on the bed and slept/watched the Olympics. Too tired to take a shower. Pictures Matt went for a walk with kids. Don t they look great. Can hardly wait to see them next weekend. Karen in showing the beautiful wedding quilt from Jean.
Eight years ago today Matt Hudson's life changed. Post from Mary Jo. about her son Matt: This is a week that brings quivers to my stomach as I realize Saturday, we face our 8 year anniversary: 1/3 of Matt's life in this state of limbo. How blessed I am to be able to care for my son and know his every need is met. How sad we are that he did not get to experience the joys of life beyond 16. We are so thankful for your encouragement, comfort, help, prayers during the last 8 years. You have helped us every step of the way, whether you realize it or not. Many thanks. May the Lord reward you for your investment in our lives. May He bring blessings into your life, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. May you know Him more nearly moment by moment, depending upon His Holy Spirit to guide you and lead the way. God bless you.

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