Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday July 11 2012 23172

Let's see. I don't remember what I did on Wednesday and I forgot to post that night. I know Susan,Gorden, Mike, and Brenda came over for supper. Susan made crock pot CSA potatoes, carrots, and Goodenow roast goood. Plus raspberry pie. YUM!! I went in to talk to Dr. Luft...Yes, I am doing too much with the boot. Yes, if I don't stop it I will have to go a long time with it in the boot. Yes, it would be good to use the ultrasound bone growth simulator. Yes, we will take an x ray next week adn see how it is doing... until then keep wearing the boot 24 7 and dont' carry two five gallon pails of water to the cucumbers.Picturesrandom inspirational one that you might have to figure out because the printing doesn't always come incorrectly.

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