Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday July 16

I finished my class assignments for summer school class. Now just the final on the 30th. Outside at 7am I rototilled the potato patch. And cut back the autumn climatis. Then to Howard's for a visit. Denny wanted me to go to Denison to get CD with computer info on it, I asked Howard and Anabel to join me. I looked for plants on sale, no luck, but I did get 2 beautiful ferns. We brought home dollar burgers to split for lunch with Jensens. Quick nap and finish class work. Volunteered to watch the three at while girls swam so we headed to Crawford Creek about 5:10. Got home about 7 for the Bachelorette. Girls looked on calender to synchronize schedules. Great day.Pictures At Crawford Creek Daughters swimming Evan's elaborate sand castles with sand cupped houses that had a finger poked hole in the front for a door and Brook's crocks as guards for a castle in the water.

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