Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Full tuesday July 24, 2012

Up early and out to work on dried flower beds. At 9:50 I went in to shower. I headed to Wall Lake with Mandy,Brooks, and Anabel. Then to Carroll for a bike ride on Sauk Trail. It was really nice. I rode 9 miles. Mandy rode 14 pulling Grands in the trailer. Then High Ho ... a shopping we will go! McDonald's hamburgers and ice water. Then 2 stores. Kids were so good!! We got jeans for Mandy Missy and myself. and black cowboy boots for Mandy...She's thrilled. First picture is of the praise and Worship band on Sunday. Three guitars, 1 drummer, 1 keyboard and a singer. So great! This web site (http://bstrait.wordpress.com/2012/07/22/a-miracle-inside-the-the-aurora-shooting-one-victims-story/)tells about the recovery of a gal who was shot in Aurora. It is the ICU neuro unit that Mandy worked in for three years and that she is gong back to work in in September. Super neat article. Copy and paste it and look it up. So proud of my daughter who was one of the ..." Nurses,(who) like quiet soldiers posted on guard, come in, march attentively through the machines, and go out. These men and women really care." Praise the Lord for "prevenient grace: God working ahead of time for a particular event in the future. It’s just like the God I follow, to plan the route of a bullet through a brain long before Batman ever rises. Twenty-two years before.

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